Marcel, a charming village situated in Goa, India, is renowned for its stunning natural scenery, abundant foliage, and tranquil ambience. Nestled amidst captivating landscapes, the village serves as a serene sanctuary, offering a peaceful respite from the bustling city life. Despite its small size, Marcel provides a captivating glimpse into the traditional Goan way of life, presenting a serene getaway for its visitors.
Within the village, an enthralling traditional festivity called Chikhal Kalo takes place, translating to “Mud Bath.” This celebration pays homage to the profound bond shared between the farming community of Goa and our nurturing Mother Earth.
Chikhal Kalo, a religious festival exclusive to the village of Marcel in Goa, is a rare combination of devotion and enjoyment. It occurs annually on the 11th day of the Hindu month of Ashadh, held within the expansive grounds of the Devki Krishna temple. The arrival of the monsoon ensures that the temple premises are transformed into a muddy terrain, which becomes a vital component of the ensuing excitement.
In addition to lively dancing, the festival features traditional games like chendu fali (resembling cricket) and gilli danda. The slippery mud surface induces participants to repeatedly tumble and become coated in mud—an integral part of the ritual, hence the name Chikhal Kalo. Embracing the essence of the tradition, individuals eagerly immerse themselves in the joyous muddiness, reveling in the experience.
Join us for the vibrant and exhilarating Chikhal Kalo Festival, a cherished celebration of tradition and joy, taking place on the 29th of June at the magnificent Devki Krishna temple in Marcel, Goa. Get ready for a day filled with devotional celebrations, cultural experiences, and unforgettable memories!
Date: June 28th to 30th
Venue: Devki Krishna Temple, Marcel, Goa
Highlights of the Chikhal Kalo Festival
- Tradition and Culture: Immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of Goa as we honor the deep bond between the farming community and Mother Earth.
- Devotional Celebrations: Witness the enchanting rituals and ceremonies performed at the Devki Krishna temple, infusing the atmosphere with spirituality and reverence.
- Joyous Mud Bath: Discover the thrill of Chikhal Kalo, the festival’s centerpiece. Engage in the exhilarating tradition of playing in the mud, where the temple grounds transform into a playground of joy and merriment.
- Cultural Performances: Delight in captivating cultural performances showcasing the vibrant arts and traditions of Goa. From mesmerizing folk dances to soulful music, experience the rich tapestry of Goan culture come alive on stage.
- Traditional Games: Test your skills and have fun with activities like chendu fali (similar to cricket) and gilli danda, creating joyful moments of friendly competition.
- Delectable Cuisine: Savor traditional dishes prepared with love and care, tantalizing your taste buds with the vibrant spices and unique ingredients of Goa.
- Community Bonding: Celebrate togetherness and connect with the warm-hearted people of Marcel as the entire community comes together for this festive extravaganza.